Frankly, I can't say completely that the hols have been enjoyable; I spent the whole of yesterday being almost bedridden on account of my terrible cold and fever -- where is the joy in that?? I am happy, however, that I managed to get some shopping done early in the week. =) Slowly but surely, I'm crossing out the items on my invisible shopping list...
Nevertheless, the highlight of the previous week was actually the last day before term ended, i.e. Teachers' Day. I didn't get half as many presents as most of my colleagues but it really felt good to be acknowledged in some little way, even if by an awkward, handwritten and hand-made card. I guess, these kind of moments are when I feel that teaching is indeed a worthwhile vocation.

I don't think I will ever be the "greatest" in whatever but this will go down in history as the first stuffed animal I received as a present! LOL.
But of course, school begins afresh tomorrow and I'm already mentally preparing to hunt down all the overdue assignments which many kids still owe me, and am doubting if my holiday projects have been completed in time. And not forgetting the piles of marking still unfinished, exam papers to set... blah, blah, blah.
I think I'm becoming verbosely repetitive and whiney.
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