Monday, May 10, 2010

blogging again

I can't believe that it has been almost FIVE whole months since my last entry. The most cliched of phrases, "how time flies", couldn't more true.

Looking back on these five months, alot of things have happened. There had been laughter. There had been tears. There had been moments when I felt as though life is not worth living anymore. There had been moments when I felt so glad to just be alive.

I've heard it said somewhere that change is the only constant. But then, there had been moments when I was more than a tad frustrated that things have NOT changed with the passing of the years.

I have been very tempted to start a new blog... either with tumblr (which is quite hot at the moment) or wordpress. But after much thought, I decided that I should just stick to my blogspot.

Sometimes, I think it pays to make up your mind and stick steadfastly to something. It shows tenacity or strength of mind. But then again, some people may call it simply foolish stubbornness.

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